
Friday, January 10, 2014

MPMK "The Happy Drink"!

I saw this post a few days ago on the blog Modern Parents Messy Kids.
If your like me and tend to rely a bit too much on coffee(as in you drink it all day...) this is an interesting read.
If your drinking cup after cup of coffee and still feeling tired and foggy by the end of the day you could very well be missing something essential from your diet. Click the image to learn more.♥ For the record as much as I love and believe in the benefits of coconut, I'm actually surprised I never thought to try this myself.


  1. Hi, you have wonderful blog and great post, did we follow each other already? if not, would you like to follow each other? if you decided to follow me on BLOGLOVIN, please let me know so I can follow you back! thank you.

    xoxo, J

  2. Love this post, very interesting.

    Louisa - My Family & Abruzzo

  3. I love coffee too. But I'm on a no coffee month after my finals!!

    Defining Me

    1. That is a smart idea. The only times I've given up coffee completely were during my 3 pregnancies.

  4. Nice find! I normally only drink, at most, 2 cups in the morning but I like super strong coffee or even just straight up espresso lol. Sometimes I switch it up with green or black tea but I'd like to wean myself off caffeine eventually.
    x atelier zozo


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