
Sunday, September 8, 2013

Five Fab Reasons You should be drinking coconut water!

This is my new obsession along with Carrot Juice. Coconut water has many health benefits.  The main being that it is super hydrating! 

1.Get Glowing skin!
 It is the secret weapon to a healthy glowing complexion.   I see a difference in my skin after drinking it(And no I don't feel that I am exaggerating that!).  Drinking it on a regular basis is a great addition to your beauty routine.  Parched dry skin highlights fine lines! When skin is well hydrated fine lines appear to soften or diminish , so drink up!  You can actually apply it directly to your skin as you would a toner.  It is said to help reduce acne, reduce fine lines, aid in balancing Ph levels, improve stretchmarks and cellulite, as well as calm eczema.

2.Great source of Potassium!
Most people do not receive a sufficient amount of potassium.  Coconut water is packed with potassium.  It contains more than 4 bananas worth!  It contains Vitamin C and is a good beverage choice for when you are feeling under the weather and boots the immune system.

3. Diet Friendly!
It is naturally low in carbs and sodium. It contains dietary fiber which aids in helping you feel full for longer.  It is also thought to speed up the metabolism. 

4Natural Energy! 
Coconut water is great for a mid afternoon energy boost!  There are many athletes that swear by it.  Its wins by a landslide in comparison to the sugar loaded sports drink alternatives. It is supposedly one of the best natural hangover remedies as well.  Incorporate some into a smoothie for a burst of hydration.  This is especially good if you don't enjoy the flavor of coconut water alone. I suggest pairing it with watermelon because that is very hydrating also.   

5. If you need a bit more convincing coconut water was implemented to save lives in the Pacific war, used in IVs as well as plasma transfusions.

 The only downfall is that it is a bit on the expensive side so I aim to purchase it on sale, or use a coupon. I only ever buy the brand Zico, it definitely offers the best taste compared to other brands I've tried.  They sell a dark chocolate version that is very good also as well as pineapple.

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