
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Wednesday LOVE!

Wednesday LOVE

My new necklace from Roe Blvd!
This was the last in blush pink, but they offer other colors.

Green smoothies! My new obsession!
I've been making this daily.
for the recipe check out Playdates + Pearls
I used coconut milk, a banana, spinach, Yoplait greek blends coconut yogurt, and frozen strawberries/bananas. You will love this smoothie. It is such a smart way to add more greens to your diet.
No you can not taste the spinach! Promise, just try it!
My daughter Emily loved it too, but as I predicted the boys would not go near it. I even tried to market it as a "monster smoothie". Cole was intrigued but not enough to taste it. Maybe next time!

While your at it try her coffee scrub also(For super soft skin). I used vanilla caramel coffee grounds(I used the leftover when I brewed iced coffee), coconut oil, Vitamin E and brown sugar.(It smells incredible!)
Absolutely love this product! I discovered it on another blog recently, and felt compelled to try it out. I have only been using it for a few days so far, so I will do a review after a week or so.
It claims to hydrate, perfect, even skin tone, and provide a glow. Will be amazing for Spring!
I've actually never used a BB face cream before but since I loved this so much, I may try one.
My only concern is that it could cause breakouts.(My skin is sensitive)
If you use a BB face cream that you love, tell me about it! : )
Any recommendations would be appreciated .

In love with this bedroom 

 This gold trimmed door


I am going to attempt this DIY project soon.  I'll do a post if I don't ruin all my mugs. lol


  1. If your daughter's birthday party is any indication you will not ruin your mugs - but they will totally be pinterest worthy!! I love the necklace you got - it's beautiful! I've used Garnier BB cream for the past 2 years and love's light and the coverage is great. I turned my sister and cousin onto it and they haven't had any problems with it either!

  2. That necklace is so pretty!!! Loving everything on this list! Please post that DIY because I am really like those gold mugs and definitely want to give it a try! xoxo

  3. I really need to get into green smoothies! I've honestly never even bothered trying to make one, which is odd because I am kind of a health food freak...just never been big into smoothies. I love how healthy they are for you though!

    1. Smoothies were never that big with me until I discovered this. I am not that fond of spinach in a salad, so I love that you can get the health benefits by drinking it in a smoothie. The site where I found the recipe has a ton of other great add in ideas. Next time I'm going to add chia seeds.

  4. Oh my goodness, I WANT that necklace!


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