
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

A little fitness inspiration!

 Here are a few of my favorite get fit links!

This move is a very effective way to burn calories.  They are not easy to do though.  I'm not currently at a place where I could keep it up for 15 minutes either lol.  
Check out the website for fab exercise tips, recipes and more!

Shape .com
The NFL cheerleader work out
This article has some really good moves!

I firmly believe every woman should own a medicine ball.
(Especially moms!) A medicine ball is the best way to regain your pre-baby figure.
(That I have found at least)
Trust me on this one.  

If you need a little more inspiration to start a fitness routine..
Victoria's Secret Swim 2014 is here!
Order a cute suit to keep yourself motivated! 

1 comment:

  1. squat jumps are the worst best thing. or wait...that's burpees. the worst! haha


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