
Monday, December 2, 2013

DIY Advent Calender!

                 Here is the advent calender I made for the boys! Which I suppose it's actually late to post a tutorial for an advent calender but..I tend to be a little last minute lol. You could always keep the idea in mind for next year! If you'd like to make one here's your shopping list:

 A large piece of cardboard(I cut a piece from a package)
Brown packaging paper
Colored tissue paper
A roll of scotch mounting tape
A sharpie
Clear plastic cups(the half size)
Thin rubber bands
Gold coins or other little goodies to fill the cups
I also used mini animals purchased from amazon here Zoo tubes
My 3 year old Cole is truly obsessed with little figurines. He quite admired the animals the ABA therapist brought over for Luke recently, so I knew these would be a big hit! (He made his best attempts to steal a few lol)  

First I covered the cardboard in packaging paper.  Next I secured the plastic cups to the board with scotch mounting tape in the shape of a tree.  I used two pieces one at the top and one towards the bottom.  I then filled the cups with little prizes and candy.  I covered the cups with a square I cut out of colored tissue paper.  I secured the paper over the cups with thin rubber bands.  Last I used a sharpie to number the cups from 1 to 25. It may actually be easier to fill and cover the cups before affixing to the board, but of course the thought didn't occur until I had already taped the cups on!


  1. I love this, I should try this at home with my kids ^_^

    1. My boys had a lot of fun with this : ) They looked forward to it every day.


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