
Friday, December 13, 2013

Christmas Cloud dough!

 If you have kids they will love this!  Cloud dough is a homemade play dough that has a similar texture to sand but is very light and mold-able.  It is a wonderful sensory activity.  I found the idea here on LearnPlayImagine  Her site is amazing and filled with super fun sensory activities.  I definitely recommend you check it out! She used Duncan Hines peppermint frosting creations in her dough recipe.  I planned to do the same but the store I checked was sold out, so I had to improvise.  If your child loves to play in the sand(Like mine!) I think they will especially enjoy playing with this.  Here's my recipe:

8 cups of Flour
1 cup of canola oil(Any oil should work)
Wilton red gel food coloring
Peppermint essential oil

Mix your flour and oil together until a dough is formed.  If it seems dry add a bit more oil. 
Note this dough should not be greasy
Next add a good amount of peppermint oil to give it a Christmas/candy cane scent.
I divided mine in half and used the food coloring to dye one portion of it.

 We used plastic snap apart ornaments to mold balls out of the dough. 

 These boys love Cloud dough! ♥

You can store the remaining cloud dough in an airtight container, and expect to be cleaning a lot off the floor! lol  I set a plastic table cloth over the play table to make the clean up a little easier.


  1. This looks like fun! I should have done this when I babysat my niece this past Saturday. Arts & crafts play time! :D
    x atelier zozo

  2. You should definitely make this next time you babysit her! I remember any babysitter that could make play dough or knew how to make bracelets/ was crafty was the best! lol You could even make her some pink princess cloud dough.


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