
Friday, March 27, 2015

Giveaway winner and Friday Favorites!

The Hair vitamin Giveaway 
winner is...

Jen B! 

Thanks to all who entered! 

A discount code for a buy one get one free bottle is still available.  

Vibrance vitamins for hair  Discount Code - BBVRB1G1

Here are my favorites for the week! 

Swooning over these knobs from Anthropologie 

Mint and gold is my favorite color combo lately. I just picked up a chest of drawers in need of a rehab on a yard sale site for $25.  Since the dresser was such a steal I now have no problem validating the price of these knobs!  Oh and especially when I compare them to the price of the campaign style which run about $25 per handle! Needless to say I will be putting off that project for a while.  I think these knobs will be perfect for the dresser I found.

Here is a pic.

The game plan is to paint it a glossy white.  Add the knobs and repurpose it as a media stand.  Hopefully I get my act together and finish it sometime next week! Stay tuned for the reveal.

Keeping with the Mint and Gold theme

My new phone case from

I have not had a case on my phone since I got it which is living dangerously considering my 4 year old likes to play games on it from time to time.  It really would just have been irresponsible of me to not purchase this. Am I right? ;) Plus its hilarious! 

I've been drawn to shades of blue lately which is fitting since I am prepping for Luke's ocean party this week! Btw I will prob be MIA for a bit seeing as how I have done hardly anything for the party and have a never ending list of pinterest inspired projects to complete.  

This is on it's way to be in the mail!

Qvc is having an incredible deal on this mixer! (Plus many other colors!)

Happy early birthday to me!(Like really early it isn't until May lol) My lovely parents are getting this for me for my birthday.  It may have to do with the fact that I've been holding my mom's mixer hostage for the past month or so... They can view at is as a business investment, because I will certainly be putting it to good use! Cross your fingers I have it in time for Luke's party.

Hopefully this fun Play dough recipe will help me keep the kids entertained so that I can complete all my party tasks! 

In love with this sweet girly room featured on Style Me Pretty! The colors are gorgeous.

Can't wait until Spring and maxi dress season are upon us! Loving this pretty lavender color.  

This asian noodle salad is calling my name.

A little weekend inspiration

Linking up with the beautiful Amanda at Meet @ the Barre! 

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Small Steps & Life Lately

and on to Life Lately!

I've been working on expanding my baking skills and prepping for my oldest son Luke's 8th birthday party!  I can not even comprehend the fact that I will have an 8 year old soon...

I had set a goal to bake once a week.  Which I've somewhat been managing.  So far I've mastered a solid vanilla cupcake recipe and cut out sugar cookies.  This friday I am attempting Key Lime pie! 

I made these cookies to travel to college with my little cousin to share with her friends. :) 

Vanilla bean cupcakes for my son's bake sale. 

Picked up a couple butter glosses. (Love the strawberry parfait color!) I think the lighter pink would be better suited for a blonde.

Working on our first Confetti & Hearts Etsy shop project!

Crafting for Luke's Ocean party.

Planting peonies this Spring! 


Finally Emily has had some professional pictures taken! #3rdchildgetsgypped

Have a Great week!

Don't miss out on my Hair vitamin giveaway!! Scroll down if you haven't entered yet! 

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Vibrance pure vitamins for hair growth and giveaway!

powered by brandbacker

Hey ladies! You will be glad you stopped by today, because I am sharing my review for Vibrance pure hair growth vitamins as well as hosting a giveaway for the brand!

What is it?
Eu Natural's Vibrance pure hair vitamins are a multivitamin that support faster hair growth, as well as thicker, fuller and shinier hair.  It is a blend of high quality vitamins, minerals and herbs that work together to improve the health of your hair for optimum growth.  It is packed with a vitamin B complex, vitamin D, biotin and other all natural ingredients.  It should help to reduce split ends, speed up growth and basically just aid in achieving the healthiest hair possible.   It is advertised to help with thinning hair as well. It also provides benefits for your hair skin and nails.  

Check out their website Vibrance Pure hair vitamins for more information, ingredients, etc.       

My review
I have been taking the vitamins daily for about a month now and I am very impressed with the results.  I recently cut my hair in December and I've been seriously missing it, so I jumped at the chance to try out this product!  I have never had problems with thinning hair.  Mine is quite thick, so I can't speak much on that topic, but I have had someone comment that it looks extra shiny!  I did not measure my hair beforehand(and I should have), but here is a picture from the first week that I began the vitamin followed by a photo I took today.  

As you can see there is some noticeable new length. Nothing intensely drastic, but up until recently I just felt like it had stopped growing. Which I'm sure has to do with the fact that I've been feeling anxious for it to grow back. I also noticed that it seems to offer a little energy boost which is a plus for a busy mom of three! I would assume it's from the B and D vitamins. These vitamins are not very small. They aren't difficult to swallow, but they do have a tiny bit of an aftertaste. I recommend following with a lot of water and it should help take care of that problem.You can also see the herbs and ingredients as it is a clear capsule. Which is a good thing.(You can see the quality!) Another thing I have taken note of is that my "next day hair" actually seems to be in better shape so to say.  Typically I have to wash my hair every single day, because it has a tendency to get a greasy look, but not so much since I have been using this product. There is an ingredient that has been added to help balance your hair's natural oil levels. It does seem to feel a bit stronger and smoother also.  Overall I am very happy to have been able to take part in sampling this vitamin. I don't plan on going without this vitamin anytime soon.(Or at least not until I reach my desired length!)  If I put my hair through more color treatments, heat styling etc I would definitely consider adding this as a permanent fixture in my haircare routine.  My hair is naturally straight though and the extent to heat styling I inflict is mainly just blow drying.  

If there are any girls out there with color treated tresses or looking to add a little extra length before summer is upon us here is a discount code you are welcome to use to receive two bottles for the price of one.  (Buy one get one free)

Discount code:   BBVRB1G1

You can purchase on Amazon here EU Natural Vibrance hair vitamins.

Now on to the GIVEAWAY! 

To be entered to win one free full sized bottle of Eu Natural's vibrance pure hair vitamins simply leave a comment below of why you'd like to win.  Contest will close the evening of Thursday the 26th of March.  I will announce the winner on Friday(the 27th)! 

Monday, March 9, 2015